Pain and what about me?

Do you have any kind of Immune Disease? Or a Condition that gives you pain everyday?
Do you have:

Ankylosing Spondolitis


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Peripheral Neuropathy


Multiple Sclerosis


Cardiovascular Disease


Just to mention few…
You must know what I’m talking about.
Pain that comes from joints, muscles, nervous system, sacroiliac joints…
Can be very debilitating and frustrated that the pain is there and sometimes you want to do more but you just cannot.
How difficult is every morning to wake up and you cannot get out of bed immediately because, your feet hurt like “hell” and sometimes will take longer than other days.
There are days that maybe in 20min you’ll be getting out of bed and start walking but most days are 🌚☁️ grey and will take you almost 1 hour to start walking without that pain on the bottom of your feet (plantar)and heels.
Sometimes, your love ones look it at you and because you try to make breakfast, go to work, take care of kids, do laundry etc they think you are “just fine”πŸ™„ right?
Pain teach us to have many faces and continue with our lives but sometimes “is wrong” Why?

Because, we need to start listening to our body and stop being perfectionist with everything that passes from our mind and daily routine.
Take/have a rest when you start having that flare up of pain. You know the symptoms.

Most of the time you will feel like part of your body are inside the oven. Then, you say well, maybe I’m starting menopause if you are a woman or andropause if you are a man.
Stop,giving suggestions to yourself.

Your body desperately is asking for a rest. Have a siesta, rest when you feel you are tired.

Is no matter you feel 2 or 3 times or more during the day you have to take a break or seat down.
Just remember you are the only one that really knows how you feel emotionally, mentally and as a human.
Let once in a while the others ones ( love ones ) to treat you good, give yourself a time and if you are in a lot of pain tell your spouse, partner or family member I’m very sorry but cannot function today.

Cannot cook, do laundry etc..

Please can you help.
I know is difficult to ask for help. I know most of the time you want to have everything under control but sometimes you just cannot do it.

Your body is screaming in pain and telling you please pamper me, love me.
I know if you are a housewife, business woman, professional etc you want to do everything and have everything perfect but remember never is good to multitasking because always something gets wrong.
The same go for men.

I know you want to feel a

” MACHO MAN” and go to work, and satisfy your family and meetings etc but hello! Your body needs to rest.
Everyday, at least have your 10min

just for yourself without “Electronics, Mobiles,Computers..”

Have/take a seat, close your eyes and inhale and exhale until your ease down your stress and shoulders.
Go for a 10min walk.

Sit in a park and observe the nature

Feel the breeze in your face, feel the sun.

Go and treat yourself just you alone for an ice cream, why not cup of tea or go to the cinema.
Start learning knowing yourself and enjoying being sometimes a long.

Tell your family if you are marry, in a relationship. Today I need few minutes for me, for relaxing.
Meditation helps a lot to ease pain.

Tai Chi.

Yoga if you can do it.

Going for a Walk.

An AntiInflammatory Diet.

Listening to music when you start feeling the pain flare up or stressed.

Laugh, Laugh and Laugh.

Watch a Cartoon.

Watch funny videos of pets.

Remembering good memories ( remember, to remember is to live again)

Give a Hugh and ask for a Hugh.
Please tell me which other suggestions you have?
“Be Healthy and Wise”
Janette Reyes-Heath

Holistic Nutrition Coach

Remember to follow

#pain, #AS, #RheumatoidArthritis,





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